Oslo for AI

Oslo for AI


Oslo for AI is a year of programming that will invite participants to co-design a new kind of constitutional process in order to create new possibilities for the governance of AI and other pervasive technologies. The name, Oslo for AI, is an homage to the scale and intention of the Oslo peace process, which demonstrated the capacity of a small group of people gathered in an immersive, intimate and intentional way to make unprecedented advances in the cause of peace.

Kategorier: Teknologi

Hør på den siste episoden:

Dionna McPhatter was a gifted high school basketball player being recruiting by Big 10 schools. In a twist that surprising her she chose to go to West Point, where she played ball and trained to be a future Army leader. Due to sports injuries, Dionna wasn't physically able to serve. We talked about why she chose West Point, about what she learned from being a high performance team player and what all that prepared her for in a career immersed in data science and storytelling.

Tidligere episoder

  • 4 - Michael talks to new Advisory Board Member, Dionna McPhatter 
    Thu, 08 Feb 2024
  • 3 - Uma Maharaj and Michael talk about the limits and potential of DEI 
    Fri, 02 Feb 2024
  • 2 - Talking with Jake Dunagan about the Future of Participation in Politics 
    Thu, 18 Jan 2024
  • 1 - Morgan Plummer and Michael on Oslo for AI 01.07.24 
    Sun, 07 Jan 2024
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