


A girl on a journey trying to find herself and bringing you guys along for the ride! You ready?

Kategorier: Barn og familie

Hør på den siste episoden:

Part two to everything you will be hearing on my awesome podcast come in take this journey with me !!!!!!

Tidligere episoder

  • 5 - Part 2 to making this podcast badass!  
    Sat, 24 Aug 2019
  • 4 - Let’s make this podcast badass!!!  
    Sat, 24 Aug 2019
  • 3 - Take Care Of You!  
    Wed, 24 Jul 2019
  • 2 - Wtf is Dating?!? 
    Thu, 06 Jun 2019
  • 1 - What will you find with me authenticity. Get on this beautiful journey with me.  
    Mon, 03 Jun 2019
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